Sunday, May 24, 2009

Perigrine Falcon on the California Coast!

Length: 38-51 cm (15-20"); females 13-20% larger than males.
Ten days ago, my wife and I were on the West Coast for our daughter's graduation from USC at Los Angeles. We stayed in a nearby city on the coast, at a small motel just two blocks from the sea and within easy walking distance of where our daughter lives!
On this trip to California I was not expecting to have a lot of time for birding (much less photography), but I had brought my optics along... just in case! The first morning, while we were strolling through a small park at the top of the sea cliffs and enjoying the vastness of the view of the Pacific Ocean below, a local jogger saw my scope and stopped to ask whether I was looking for the Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus). What falcons? I had not heard that there were any in the area! That day I could not find them, but the next morning (May 16/09) I was out at the park again (you can be sure!)... and this time I was able to locate the pair without much difficulty!
This Peregrine Falcon was perched near the top of the cliff, where I could easily get a photograph from the park sidewalk! After taking a series of shots, I thought I would risk moving in a bit closer with my tripod and digiscoping set-up. No problem! Apparently these raptors are quite used to the early-morning joggers and other passers-by who frequent the park!
On a third visit to the cliffs, I learned from another birder that this pair had been introduced from farther down the California coast. Though this photo clearly shows the bird's long powerful talons, I am glad that the identification ring on its leg is not visible! Sure looks like a very wild bird, on a very inaccessible cliff, somewhere in a very faraway wilderness!


  1. Nice pics and cool looking birds!

  2. I know you are proud of these pictures, and with good reason!

  3. Although you gave it little mention *sniff*, we did have a good time together too! I'm glad you got these pictures!

  4. I'm not sure if they are peregrines but we have a lot of falcons that look pretty darn similar around here. There is even one that lives in one of the tall pines that is outside our 4 story apartment. On a good day you can almost see the nest. It is huge.
